Tim Lang: Civil food resilience and UK preparedness for food system shocks
AFN Network+webinar with Tim Lang following his latest research into the UK’s preparedness (or not) for food system shocks.
Re-Livestock – Animal Welfare Interview with Lindsay Whistance
Lindsay Whistance shares her insights into the link between animal welfare and resilience in livestock farming in this interview as part of the Re-Livestock project
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments for growers (Webinar)
Soil Association webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms covering new SFI and CSS funding options tailored to the horticultural sector.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments
An event for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.