Forty years of organic farming trials
Long-term Swiss study confirms that organic farming promotes soil fertility and biodiversity with good yields overall
Biodegradable plastic film mulches for horticulture and other alternatives
Join Francis Rayns, Judith Conroy and Martin Samphire for this OGA webinar to discuss their research on alternatives to plastic film mulches
OGA Webinar: To scale up or not to scale up? That is the question
Join Adam Beer (Pitney Farm Market Garden) and Ash Wheeler (Trill Farm Garden) to discuss the pros and cons of scaling up the market garden.
Organic takes centre stage at Oxford Real Farming Conference
Organic farmers, growers and topics were integral to the Oxford Real Farming Conference. There should be no ‘us and them’ we must work together.
ORC 2024 Annual Review: Another action-packed year
This has been another action-packed year for ORC, marked by a wealth of activity that has broadened our networks and opened up significant opportunities.
Webinar: Unlocking the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform
Webinar on 19th November on the Organic Farm Knowledge platform: the hub for knowledge exchange in organic food and farming
BioFarm 2024 – Ireland’s Biological Farming Conference
BioFarm is back and will take place in Adare, Co Limerick, on Tuesday November 5th and Wednesday November 6th 2024.
FiBL Open Day – Organic transformation of food systems
Join FiBL researchers from all over Europe for this virtual open day exploring the latest developments in organic research
Nature Notes by Tim Deane
Collection of Nature Notes written by pioneer organic grower Tim Deane are published
Reflections on Carbon Calling
ORC’s Julia Cooper was inspired and energised by her regenerative weekend at Carbon Calling
Building up political will for organics and food security!
TP Organics has compiled key messages and concepts in support of organic farming and its role on fostering long-term food security in Europe
Let’s Discuss Organic, Regenerative agriculture: how is the term (mis)used and what to do about it?
This IFOAM Organics Europe webinar will discuss the relationship between organic and regenerative farming, how the term “regenerative” is (mis)used, and how to address it.
An introduction to the Agroecology Research Collaboration
Join this webinar to learn about the work of the Agroecology Research Collaboration, find out how they are building stronger links between farmers and researchers, and how you can get involved!
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments for growers (Webinar)
Soil Association webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms covering new SFI and CSS funding options tailored to the horticultural sector.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Hot Water Seed Treatment for the Sanitation of Vegetable Seed (Webinar)
This Liveseeding webinar aims to explain the procedure, effects and efficiency of hot water treatments for vegetable seeds
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments
An event for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
The EU’s organic area grew by 5% in 2022 – more than 10 percent of farmland was organic
The latest data on organic agriculture in Europe has been published in the yearbook ‘The World of Organic Agriculture.’
Farmers’ and growers’ priorities for agricultural research and innovation
Join the Agroecology Research Collaboration for this online workshop to ensure the priorities of agroecological farmers and growers are taken seriously by the research community.
ORC at the Organic Growers Gathering
A report from the Organic Growers Gathering held at Tolhurst Organic in Ocober
Oxford Real Farming Conference 2024
Celebrating 15 years of bringing the food and farming movement together 4 – 5 January 2024 🌱In-person + worldwide livestream #ORFC24