Have your say over carbon emissions!
Our friends at AFN Network+ have developed a survey which aims to amplify the voices of farmers in the debate over climate change and carbon emissions. We urge you to take part – some fabulous prizes too!
New study confirms the leading role of organic farming in contributing to agriculture’s climate objectives
Development of organic farming is essential to reduce emissions from agriculture and increase soil carbon sequestration, EU study shows
Organic September – why organic farming is important
In this CJS article marking Organic September, Phil Sumption sets out why organic farming is still important and relevant as we battle biodiversity and climate crises.
Pesticides and the climate crisis: a vicious cycle
A new report published by The Pesticide Action Network (PAN UK) / The Pesticide Collaboration (includes ORC) calls for the UK Government to reduce the contribution of pesticides to greenhouse gas emissions and improve the climate resilience of food and farming systems.