Search Results for: trees
197 results found for 'trees'.
News & events
Improving productivity for farmers and foresters
OF&G's flagship event will be held in Hampshire
Does tree fodder have a role to play in today’s livestock farming in the UK?
Integrating trees into horticultural systems offers opportunities to diversify the business as well as realise environmental benefits. This workshop at Tolhurst Organic focused on providing practical advice and pointers on how to successfully implement an agroforestry system on your farm as well as an opportunity to learn directly from Ian Tolhurst’s (Tolly) experiences.
Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice
The Optimum Shelterbelts project has delivered a suite of production and landscape protocols which will create knowledge of agroforestry systems in UK. These data are designed to be collected in the same timeframe, offering insights into how shelterbelts impact farming and nature over time.
Discussion at Groundswell 2022 Speakers: Will Simonson, Stephen Briggs, Helen Chesshire & Ben Raskin Defra have stated that they want agroforestry to be supported within ELM. In this session we will describe the Defra-funded Test on Agroforestry and its results to date. The panel will include practising agroforestry farmers who are part of the Test and who will give their perspective on what is needed to make agroforestry mainstream. But it will also be an ...
News & events
Farm Carbon Toolkit’s conference on biodiverse farming takes the dung beetle as a a powerful proxy for soil health
Three new factsheets have been produced by the Woodland Trust with the help of ORC's Lindsay Whistance.
BioFarm is back and will take place in Adare, Co Limerick, on Tuesday November 5th and Wednesday November 6th 2024.