Search Results for: trees

186 results found for 'trees'.

News & events

Letter to Michael Gove on Agroforestry

Government asked to support game-changing agroforestry systems


Pontbren farmers – cooperative action for landscape scale change

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

News & events

Agroforestry event in Melton Mowbray

A Win Win for Farm productivity and the Environment

Tree to heat

Making use of on-farm woody resources

ORC Wakelyns Agroforestry Open Day

Seeds to trees – the value of diversity

Workshop on apple agroforestry systems

Exploring the potential of integrating top fruit and arable production using agroforestry...


The Dean Organic Fund Case Studies

The Dean Organic Fund Case Studies We would like to congratulate Nick Wenman at Albury Vineyard, Jerry and Emma Saunders at Orchard Organic Farm and Izabela Cholaj & Gregory Hickin of Trevelyan Farm Organics who have completed their loan repayments. Find out more about them below. Gothelney Farm Fred Price has been farming at Gothelney Farm since 2007, which is a 250 acre family-owned mixed farm with a further 130 acres on a 6 year ...

News & events

Agroforestry Open Weekend: Wakelyns

ORC were at Wakelyns - the home of agroforestry - for the Agroforestry Open Weekend and report on recent developments.

Farm Woodland Forum: Annual Meeting 2023

This year's Farm Woodland Forum face-to-face meeting will be held over 2 days in Co. Antrim, with theme of 'Trees on stock farms for climate resilience'

English Farmers wanted, to test advice and guidance for agroforestry in ELM

Considering Implementing Agroforestry on Your Farm?  Join us to help test different forms of advice and guidance for Defra.