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The financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales - Factsheet
Research Summaries
Outcomes from Farm Business Survey data
Environmental performance and animal welfare in organic poultry production - Research Digest
Research Summaries
Creation and study of a silvopoultry system
Hedge fund: investing in hedgerows for climate, nature and the economy
Technical Guides
In this research, commissioned by CPRE, the countryside charity, and undertaken independently by the Organic Research Centre, we provide an evidence-based analysis of the environmental and economic benefits of hedgerows.
Measuring and monitoring soil health- Research Digest
Research Summaries
Practical advice for soil husbandry
Health in organic farming systems - Factsheet
Research Summaries
Intuition and other soft skills crucial for translating organic principles into practice
From field to fork - Research Digest
Research Summaries
Multidisciplinary research along the whole food chain
Ensuring research relevance through participation – Research Digest
Research Summaries
Participatory research: whatever you think, think again
Integrating flowers for attracting beneficial insects in protected cropping
Technical Guides
A group of UK growers have been designing protected cropping systems to ensure the occurrence of flowering plants throughout the growing season to encourage pollinators and beneficial insects.
Fertility building leys for crop production- Research Digest
Research Summaries
Using legume-based mixtures to enhance nitrogen use efficiency
The Public Goods Tool - Factsheet
Research Summaries
Assessing the sustainability of sheep and goat production in Europe
Agronomic and genetic assessment of organic wheat performance in England: a field-scale cultivar evaluation with a network of farms
Research Publications
New paper on farm network field-scale, cultivar evaluation of organic wheat