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Research Theme


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Breeding biodiversity

Bulletin Articles
The importance of maintaining and increasing the use of biological diversity in crops and cropping systems in the face of climate change and pressure on non-renewable resources is increasingly recognised. Yet breeding for and management of high-biodiversity agriculture is neither well established nor even well-studied. To fill this gap, an ambitious, large-scale EU research initiative has been launched which will integrate diversity at all levels into the breeding of agricultural plants. ORC is a partner in the project which is called SOLIBAM (“Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management”). The project team – Sally Howlett, Thomas Döring, Louisa Winkler and Martin Wolfe – describe what is happening.

Technical leaflet 8: Managing phosphorus dynamics in organic rotations

Technical Guides
Published as part of the Defra funded P-Link project led by the Scottish Agricultural College.

Technical leaflet 6: A guide to nutrient budgeting on organic farms

Technical Guides
Provides an introduction to Nutrient Budgeting to aid nutrient and crop planning on organic farms. It includes information on the principles of nutrient management and details of nutrient contents of crops, stock, manure and fertilizer for use in calculating nutrient budgets.

GM Foods: The Answer? Or Just Empty Promises?

In the year 2050 the world population is expected to reach 9 billion and we would not have enough food anymore if the world food production still goes the way it is going now. GM advocates claim to have the solution for this, manipulate the genes of a crop, increase it’s productivity, and the problem is solved, the world is at peace, case closed. GM also promised other benefits...

Technical leaflet 7: Composting with rock phosphate

Technical Guides
Published as part of the Defra funded P-Link project led by the Scottish Agricultural College.

Technical leaflet 5: Compost – the effect on nutrients, soil health and crop quantity and quality

Technical Guides
Provides a short practical guide to different composting techniques and the role and use of compost and fresh manure for different purposes and conditions.

Technical leaflet 4: Soil analysis and management

Technical Guides
Provides a summary of how soil analysis can be useful in the management of individual nutrients, provides information on sampling and different analytical techniques and considers the role of soil analysis in the context of other soil monitoring tools.

Technical leaflet 3: Organic beef and sheep nutrition

Technical Guides
Reviews relevant research on beef and sheep nutrition, takes account of the experience of producers and provides practical recommendations on making better use of forage and guidance on ration formulation.

Technical leaflet 2: Financial performance, benchmarking and management of livestock and mixed organic farming

Technical Guides
Provides an overview of the financial performance of a range of organic farm types and an analysis of the key factors that affect profitability, including variable costs, particularly focusing on feed and forage, and fixed costs. It provides an introduction to benchmarking and improvement of farm profitability by comparing performance with other similar farms and focusing on underperforming areas to make improvements.

Technical leaflet 1: Organic dairy cow nutrition

Technical Guides
Summarises the key recommendations arising from research, in particular focusing on the absolute priority of improving production from forage and the importance of rumen and cow health as well as addressing issues of forage quality, the effect of season on forage protein, the role of mixed forages and self sufficient dairy systems.

Non-inversion organic arable cropping

Research Summaries
"Non-Inversion Tillage" (NI) involves any cultivation system which does not seek to substantially invert the soil profile. For the purposes of this review, literature that refers to minimum, conservation and reduced tillage and also direct drilling techniques have been consulted. The review identifies the likely benefits and possible challenges inherent in moving away from inversion tillage and points towards some very successful commercial experience of NI.