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Research Theme


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EkoSeedForum ends with encouraging results - 150 participants from 21 countries discussed in Poznan on organic plant breeding and organic seed

Technical Guides
European conference on organic seed, organic plant breeding and agro-biodiversity

OSCAR – Optimising Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations

Technical Guides
OSCAR is an EU-funded project that aims to extend the existing knowledge base available on these subsidiary crops and to disseminate this information to growers and producers.

Mainfold green manures - part IV

Technical Guides
Legumes in fertility-building leys

Evaluating the Sustainability of a Small-Scale Low-Input Organic Vegetable Supply System in the United Kingdom

Research Publications
Sustainability of a small-scale organic vegetable supply system

ORC’s annual report 2012-2013

Technical Guides
Annual Report 2013 published

John Pawsey – why organic farmers should support ORC

John Pawsey, organic farmer at Shimpling Park Farms in Suffolk gave this address to The Organic Producers' Conference on 26th November, explaining why he supports The Organic Research Centre, what it does for the organic farming industry and why you organic farmers need to back it.

Curing the global eating and farming disorder

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

What do we mean by Sustainable Intensification

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

2020 and Beyond

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

Participatory Plant Breeding with diverse wheat populations

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

Future arable research priorities for organic farmers

Conference Proceedings
Report of Conference session:at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?

The challenge of sustainable food production from a grower’s perspective

Presentation at 8th Organic producers' Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification - which way forward for organic farming?