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Research Theme


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Turning a profit from a 17 cow dairy

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Short supply chains - Growing the CSA movement in the UK

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Allan Buckwell: What is sustainable intensification? Does organic farming fit the bill?

Prof Allan Buckwell (IEEP) addresses opening plenary at ORC's 9th Organic Producers' Conference in Solihull - 26th November 2014

Patrick Holden: Thoughts on true cost counting, biological intensification, soil and ruminants

Patrick Holden (Sustainable Food Trust) addresses the opening plenary of ORC's 9th Organic Producers' Conference at Solihull - 26th November 2014

Victor Leforestier: Experiences of BASE as an operational group – lessons learnt

Victor Leforestier (BASE, France) addresses closing plenary session at the 9th Organic Producers' Conference November 27th 2014 Solihull

Marc Duponcel: EIP/ operational groups. What we expect and want?

Marc Duponcel (DG Agri) addresses the closing plenary 'Farmer groups leading inno-vation and research' session at the 9th Organic Producers' Conference - 27th November 2014

Land-use intensity and the effects of organic farming on biodiversity: a hierarchical meta-analysis

Research Publications
This paper provides more evidence for the biodiversity benefits of organic farming using a meta-analysis of 94 studies

GMO Myths and Truths (2nd edition)

Technical Guides
GM foods neither safe nor needed, say genetic engineers