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Research Theme


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Output Type

Research Theme


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Current EU position – impacts for the UK

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

UK position on the new EU organic regulation – an update on negotiations

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Variety breeding for organics: experiences from the Netherlands

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Cereal populations – changes to EU rules to allow marketing of seed

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Scotland ‘The Bread’ – a people-centred grain economy

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Food For Life Catering Mark – A growing opportunity for organic producers

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Design considerations for agroforestry systems

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Financing a growing opportunity – a banks perspective

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Setting up a cooperative share farming business

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Setting up an urban farm in Dagenham – the benefits and shortfalls

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Experiences of small dairy production & processing

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Robotic organic small-scale dairy production

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice