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Research Theme


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Output Type

Research Theme


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Farmer experience of using sustainability assessment to develop their farm

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

100% organic feed for pigs and poultry – results of an EU-wide project

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

A practical approach to assessing farm sustainability

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

My new experience – measuring what cows are grazing and seeing things differently

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Lessons from Low Input-Breeds and ProPIG projects

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Tall grass grazing

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Review of research on legumes and grasses for forage and grazing

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Experiences of BASE as an operational group – lessons learned

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Profitable fruit and vegetable production

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

What is sustainable intensification – does organic farming fit the bill?

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

The evidence of health risks from GM

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

How GM has adversely affected farmers on the ground

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice