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Research Theme


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Helen Browning: experiences of field labs as operational groups – lessons learned

Helen Browning (Soil Association/Eastbrook Farm):addresses the closing plenary 'Farmer groups leading innovation and research' of the 9th Organic Producers' Conference in Solihull, 27th November 2014

Investigating the potential of applying permaculture principles to UK arable farming

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Modelling the effects of a large scale conversion to organic farming in England and Wales

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Legumes leys: improving fertility building, forage quality and biodiversity

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Alternative breeds and crossbreeding – their role in organic and low input systems

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

What has genomic breeding got to offer low-input and organic dairy cows?

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Cross breeding that works: what and why

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Health concepts in food and farming

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

A grower’s perspective of running on-farm trials

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

A researcher’s perspective of running on-farm trials

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Field labs - running effective DIY trials and sharing best practice

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice

Organic farming and growing impacts on food quality – the Newcastle study

Presentation at 9th Organic Producers' Conference: Practical research and innovation - diversity in practice