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Research Theme


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Experiences from the ORC’s Machinery Trials

Technical Guides
Machinery Trials Elm Farm December 2014 & Wakelyns February 2015

The Organic Retail Market in Wales

Technical Guides
The organic retail market in Wales 2015

Technical leaflet 10:Sowing and Management of Multi-species Leys to Encourage Pollinators

Technical Guides
This technical Leaflet provides farmers and advisers with guidance on the selection and manage- ment of multispecies leys as a means of supporting pollinators. It draws on the research findings of the LegLink project (see IOTA Technical Leaflet 9) and combines the benefits of multi-species leys for soil fertility building, forage production and pollinator foraging.

Sustainability and quality of organic food

Technical Guides
English language edition of the FiBL dossier Sustainability and quality of organic food