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Research Theme


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Creeping thistle - successful control in organic farming

Technical Guides
English version of FiBL guide adapted by ORC

The basics of soil fertility - shaping our relationship with the soil

Technical Guides
English version of FiBL guide adapted by ORC.

Europeans deserve a better agricultural and food policy

Technical Guides
ORC co-writes new study, presented today to European Parliament

Pesticide use, climate change and farmland invertebrates

Research Publications
Over 40 years of data on invertebrate abundance in cereals, cropping patterns, pesticide use and weather in the Sussex Study area gave us the opportunity to investigate how invertebrate abundance changed in relation to changes in farming and climate.


Technical Guides
Role of hedgerows in supporting soil biodiversity

Launch of ORC wakelyns

This video is from National Organic Combinable Crops (NOCC15) at Shimpling Park Farms 7th July 2015, when ORC launched its new wheat 'variety' ORC Wakelyns Population. The Organic Research Centre has pioneered an evolutionary breeding programme to produce a hugely diverse population of wheat suited to organic and low-input farming systems. This year, for the first time, ORC is marketing it as ORC Wakelyns Population.

Horticultural costings tool for small-scale growers

Making financial data ‘fit for purpose’ for small-scale growers was the mission we set ourselves as part of Organic Centre Wales’s BOBL (Better Organic Business Links) project. There is an absence of tailored information on the viability and productivity of market gardens and small-scale horticultural holdings growing for supply chains in Wales (but of course not just Wales!). The problem is exacerbated by a lack of financial skills/knowledge of new entrants, for example on setting prices, estimating the cost of production and uncertainty about choosing a business model.

How the organic food system supports sustainable diets and translates these into practice

Research Publications
How the organic food system supports sustainable diets and translates these into practice