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Research Theme


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Output Type

Research Theme


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Reducing antibiotic use - participatory research from a farmer’s point of view

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Adapted breeds for productivity in organic and low input dairy systems

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Selective antibiotic treatment for dairy cow mastitis

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

How low can we go? – Implications of feeding lower protein diets to lactating dairy cows

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Breeding livestock fit for the environment

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Do existing feed rationing programmes suit high forage diets?

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Profitable lifetime index and spring calving index for promoting the genetic potential of a herd

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Assessing the health of your grassland’s soil

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Self- sufficiency without soya?

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Environmental impact of organic and low-input milk production - new evidence from the SOLID project

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.

Do farmers, consumers and supply-chain professionals differ in their attitude to innovation?

Presentation at SOLID Conference:Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production: Challenges and solutions.