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Research Theme


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The Organic Principles - Research Digest

Research Summaries
The foundation of ORC’s work and the organic movement

Sustainable organic and low-input dairying - Research Digest

Research Summaries
Results from the SOLID project

40 years of ORC celebratory book

Research Summaries
Pioneering research in #40rganic farming

ORC at the Northern Real Farming Conference – no till with living mulches

Workshop hosted by the Soil Association, featuring ORC’s Dominic Amos

ORC at the Northern Real Farming Conference – agroforestry

How can agroforestry contribute towards climate change mitigation? Discussion hosted by the Organic Research Centre

Using woodchip to build soil health- Research Digest

Research Summaries
Sustainable application and economics

Organic advice and conversion - Research Digest

Research Summaries

ORC led initiatives - Research Digest

Research Summaries
Organic Arable, Organic Seed Producers, OMSCo, OGA, Organic Resource Agency

Agroforestry in the Uplands

The Soil Association have just released a new short film Agroforestry in the Uplands which focuses on why trees and hedgerows on upland farms are good for livestock, the environment, biodiversity, soil health and the bottom line.

Sageguard: the farmer's decision maker- Research Digest

Research Summaries
From a generic concept to a target-oriented design