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Research Theme


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Research Theme


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Enhancing agricultural productivity and ecosystem service resilience in multifunctional landscapes

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Is organic better?

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Grading and presentation of organic produce

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Canaan model for a sustainable crop value chain approach in Palestine

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

The UN Ten Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

The importance of the soil for consistent quality crop production

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Support mechanisms for conversion in England and Wales

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Business tools for growers, including horticultural costings

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

What role can controlled traffic farming play in a low input ecological production system?

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Struggles and successes of a new grower

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Controlling blackgrass on an organic arable farm: our approach

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

The benefits of complex mixtures for livestock farmers

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice