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Research Theme


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Biogreenhouse COST Action – Knowledge on organic protected cropping made available to the industry by European experts

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

More feed from our own resources

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Legumes and legume mixes

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

OSCAR Cover Crop and Living Mulch Toolbox

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Soil – connecting land, people and food

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Insights about the temporary marketing experiment & the marketing of cereal populations

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Trees provide fodder and boost production

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Flocks and foliage

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Soil carbon regeneration through agroecology and biochar

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Building soil carbon at Hardwick – an interaction with biodiversity

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Soil carbon sequestration and organic farming – a review of the evidence

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

Effects of organic farming practices on food composition and human health

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers' Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice