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Organic Potatoes: Cultivating quality – step by step

Technical Guides
The booklet was produced by FiBL and the English version was adapted by ORC, as part of the OK-NET Arable project. This guide provides a good basis for achieving high-quality potatoes.

Progress in organic plant breeding

Main achievements from the COBRA project

Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations

Technical Guides

Technical notes on sustainable dairying

Technical Guides
A digital handbook for farmers and advisors on various aspects  of low-input and organic dairy farming is one of the most important outcomes of the SOLID project .

Antibiotic-resistant E. coli on supermarket meat

Ground-breaking new research has revealed soaring levels of antibiotic resistance on pig and chicken meat from seven major UK supermarkets.

ORC 2014/2015 Review of Activities

Technical Guides
This review of ORC’s activities covers two years, 2014 and 2015. We are pleased that this period saw improvement in the recognition given to organic/agroecological approaches by practitioners, the food industry, citizens and policy makers. As a reflection of this, ORC, working with the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT), was commissioned by Scottish Natural Heritage, on behalf of the Land Use Policy Group of the UK Nature Conservation agen‐ cies, to produce a report on the contribution of agroecology to sus‐ tainable intensification, which was published in spring 2015. Subse‐ quently, Defra has started to reassess the somewhat negative posi‐ tion it had taken to agroforestry in particular.