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Research Theme


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Rebalancing the market or hitting the buffers?

Presentation at 11th Organic Producers' Conference: Rising to the challenge

Farming for people and nature

Presentation at 11th Organic Producers' Conference: Rising to the challenge

Birds, bugs and bees: how organic farming benefits nature

Presentation at 11th Organic Producers' Conference: Rising to the challenge

An introduction to AFINET (UK) project

Dr. Jo Smith, Principal Agroecological Researcher at the Organic Research Centre, explains the background to the AFINET (UK) Project and how it seeks to contribute to agroforestry innovation in the UK.

Feeding trees to goats

Vincent Delobel, Chèvrerie de la Croix de la Grise in Belgium feeds tree fodder to his goats

The first AFNINET UK workshop – tree fodder

Dr Jo Smith, Principal Agroecology Researcher at the Organic Research Centre, explains what happened at the AFINET tree fodder workshop (held on 10th May 2017).