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Organic consumers – tips for retailers
Better Food Traders, ORC and UK Organic report with tips and advice for food retailers on how to market to organic shoppers.
Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity
Updated review of the research and evidence gathered at Wakelyns where the late Prof. Martin Wolfe put his theories into practice
Sustainability tool analysis
This table provides a useful overview of the myriad of farm sustainability assessments.
Public Goods Tool
Designed to capture data about farm practices, sustainability, and produce of public goods, the PG Tool offers a simple way of visualising the state of the farm in relation to 12 indicators.
The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds
Technical Guides
This Practice Abstract from the DiverIMPACTS project explores the practicalities of biofumigation in the field
Diversifying our approach to cereal breeding with plant populations
This Research webinar gives an overview of current research on plant populations, what this approach can offer, what we still need to understand and how we might get policymakers to support wider use of such genetically diverse cereals.
Overcoming barriers to crop diversification uptake in Europe: A mini review
Research Publications
Review shows that addressing barriers to crop diversification by farmers requires a simultaneous and coordinated approach.
REFOREST Project Tools
REFOREST: Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes in Europe.
Tools and technologies to support sustainable agroforestry practices
The End is Nigh, The End of Nitrogen—Groundswell 2022
Nitrogen: With rising costs, growing limited availability, and a well-documented impact on the environment, farmers want to reduce the use, but can the sector facilitate, adapt to, and support this move?
What will it take for Agroforestry to become commonplace on English farms? – Groundswell 2022
The partners on the panel will pose questions on topics such as tenure, training, and permanency of trees.
The Challenges of Breeding the Best Varieties for Regenerative Agriculture – Groundswell 2022
Speakers: Dr Phil Howell, Dr Stéphanie Swarbreck & Dr Ambrogio Costanzo
How can plant breeding and variety selection help regen ag? What are the challenges for breeders and how can they be overcome?