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Agroforestry for growers

Workshop report: 19th September 2017 – Tolhurst Organics, Whitchurch on Thames, Berkshire

Tree fodder: food for thought?

Does tree fodder have a role to play in today’s livestock farming in the UK?

Prof. Nic Lampkin: Organic is more than regulations

Prof. Nic Lampkin is Executive Director of the UK based Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm. In his presentation at the IFOAM EU Congress in Tallinn he talked about the roots of the organic movement and what that means for today. Especially what the new EU Organic Regualtion should take into account.

Underutilised Crops

Technical Guides
A new factsheet has been produced by the DIVERSIFOOD project

Vital veg – agroforestry and veg production in NE Scotland

Wendy Seel of Vital Veg in North East Scotland talks about her passion for trees and why she has planted shelter belts, hedges and agroforestry strips on her organic horticultural holding. It protects her young vegetable transplants form wind and helps, establishment and provides habitat for beneficial insects.The trees will also provide additional income in terms of rowan berries and elderflower/berries for processing. She explains the benefits and the downsides, in terms of extra management needed, plus the help she has received from the Woodland Trust.

Tree to Heat: Making the most of on-farm woody resources

A workshop based around the journey from ‘Tree to Heat’ was held at Wakelyns Agroforestry in January 2017.

Dave Chapman: keeping organic in the soil

Dave Chapman of Long Wind Farm, Vermont appears in a short film about his experience of mounting an opposition to the present organic certification in the USA that has been certifying soil less organic production systems. The film was recorded for the OGA workshop at ORC's Organic Producers' Conference at Aston University, Birmingham UK on 2nd February 2017. The campaign culminated in late October 2016 with a Rally in the Valley, which started at his farm and ended at Cedar Circle Farm, another Vermont Organic grower’s holding. The rally attracted over 250 people including 100 organic growers passionate to keep the soil in organic. Speakers on the day included congressman Peter Welsh and Senator Patrick Leahy one of the original sponsors of the organic food production act.

Organic farming statistics 2016

Technical Guides
Annual statistics about the UK organic farming sector.