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Agroforestry innovation leaflets

Technical Guides
As part of the AGFORWARD project a range of leaflets have been produced on various innovations and best practice across Europe.

Sheep sustainability research findings beginning to emerge

Bulletin Articles
Article by Nicola Noble in ORC Bulletin No. 126, Autumn 2018

Response to Defra consultation - Health and Harmony: The Future of Food, Farming and the Environment in a Green Brexit

The EOF welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the debate about the future of agricultural and environmental policy in England and the UK. The organic sector supports Defra’s ambition for a policy that delivers the highest standards, one where the delivery of environmental, health and other public goods is very much centre stage, closely integrated with sustainable food production.

Dock control: Combining the best methods for successful control

Technical Guides
The booklet was produced by FiBL and the English version was adapted by ORC, as part of the OK-NET Arable project. The strategy presented in this Technical Guides builds on measures to prevent the (further ) establishment of dock plants. Depending on the level of dock infestation, different techniques are recommended for removing and suppressing established docks.