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Agroforestry in England: Benefits, barriers and opportunities

Technical Guides
The Soil Association and Woodland Trust, together with a number of other organisations including ORC and the Farm Woodland Forum, have compiled an Agroforestry in England: Benefits, barriers and opportunities briefing.

Organic farming statistics 2017

Technical Guides
This release presents estimates of the land area farmed organically, crop areas, livestock numbers and numbers of organic producers and processors in the United Kingdom.

Organic Action Plans

Technical Guides
SME Organics publishes resource manual on the development, implementation and evaluation of Organic Action Plans for the organic food and farming sector

diverIMPACTS flyer

Technical Guides
The overall goal of DiverIMPACTS is to promote the diversification of cropping systems, with the aim to improve productivity, help deliver ecosystem services, and support

The UK Agroforestry Network workshops

Jan/Feb 2018 agroforestry workshop summaries

The development of the sustainFARM farmerdecision support tool

Laurence Smith, Senior Sustainability Researcher, from the Organic Research Centre explains the work he is doing on developing a new Decision Support Tool for farmers.

Modelling agroforestry – a field of knowledge interview

In this field of knowledge interview, João HN Palma from the School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon takes time away from his computer to explain the role of modelling in agroforestry.

6 steps to successful field experimentation

In this video, Anja Vieweger, Senior Crops researcher from the Organic Research Centre, Newbury, UK, outlines Six Steps to Successful Field Experimentation.

Tolly’s agroforestry

Iain Tolhurst, affectionately known as Tolly, runs Tolhurst Organic, one of the longest running organic vegetable farms in England. The farm is just under 20 acres. Tolly has recently developed an agroforestry system on one of his fields. In this video, Tolly describes this innovation, progress to date and his hopes for the future.