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Tree leaves as supplementary feed for ruminant livestock

Woodland Trust Research Briefing

Flock Health Clubs – have they been a successful initiative?

Bulletin Articles
Article by Marion Johnson and Lisa Arguile (ORC), Nicola Noble (ORC/National Sheep Association) and Wendy Jones (National Sheep Association) in ORC Bulletin 129, Autumn 2019

The Agroforestry Handbook

Technical Guides
Written for farmers and advisors this book will help you assess the potential business benefits of agroforestry for your farm or client and to understand the possible benefits to the wider environment. The authors, (including ORC's Jo Smith, Sally Westaway and Lindsay Whistance) are leading researchers and practitioners with decades of experience in agroforestry from the UK and around the world.

Transition to agroecological approaches – Home Farm, Screveton, Nottinghamshire

The farm has been in the family since 1933. Prior to transition, David Rose found himself questioning the intensive way of farming on the arable farm and began looking for alternative approaches.

Transition to agroecological approaches – The Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd, Cumbria, Lake District

David Brass took over the beef and sheep farm from his father in 1989. A year later, his wife Helen introduced layers. In a move to further refine the farming operation, they planted woodland and hedges, and the farm started to produce woodland eggs. An organic enterprise was added more recently to meet the growing demand for organic eggs.