Organic Eprints

Organic Eprints is an international open-access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture. The archive contains full-text papers in electronic form together with bibliographic information, abstracts, and other metadata.

Organic Eprints has been developed and operated since 2002 by the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, ICROFS, (formerly Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming – DARCOF).

In 2003 the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) joined the project as its first international partner with editorial responsibilities for the German language region and responsibility for the German language version of Organic Eprints.

Additionally, Organic Eprints has national editors, currently in 26 countries, who assist in reviewing new eprints. 

Orgprints is supported and used by many other organisations that carry out research for organic agriculture in Europe, including ORC.

Eprints in the archive can be browsed by subject area, country, organisation, and project. The archive can also be searched by author and by titles/keywords.

Registration is free of charge. Registered users can deposit papers in the archive and subscribe to email alerts on new papers.

ORC publications archived with organic E-prints can be found here.


Published: 27th January 2025