From 2012-2016 experts of 27 European and neighbouring countries work together within the framework of BioGreenhouse (COST Action FA 1105) to unlock and make available to the organic greenhouse industry – growers, suppliers, teachers and students- the latest knowledge and to contribute to the EU R&D agenda. Five working groups, being Robust Planting Material, Soil Fertility, Suppresiveness and Water Management, Crop Health, Energy Saving and Climate neutral production and Sustainability and Standards, are writing papers, leaflets and books for science and practice; about compost making, fertilisation, water management, sustainability tools, organic seed treatment, energy saving, crop health and food safety.
The Action will be finished in April 2016 at an international symposium from 11-14 April 2016 in Izmir(Tr) (www. There will be a parallel scientific and technical program. This symposium is open for everybody who is interested in organic protected cropping. At that occasion all this work, written in English, will be published and will be freely available.