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Can trees and their associated organisms still benefit arable crops in the presence of pesticide use?
Research Publications
This article by Colin Tosh and Jo Smith uses a novel method to model the interacting agroecosystem components in English silvoarable agroforestry.
Designing your agroforestry system with the FarmTree Tool. A case study from the UK
This ReForest webinar covered the practical application of the FarmTree Tool within the UK Living Lab at Cockle Park farm
AgroBox: an Agroecosystem Dynamics Sandbox
ORC researcher, Dr Colin Tosh, recently developed a new framework for modelling the dynamics of agroecosystems and here you are given full interactive access to these models.
Organic Eprints
Organic Eprints is an international open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture
Agroforestry systems favour bat conservation but only when old and grazed
Research Publications
Agromix paper showed bat activity and foraging success was highest in grazed but not arable agroforestry systems and tree age contributed strongly to habitat value.
Re-Livestock – Animal Welfare Interview with Lindsay Whistance
Senior Livestock Researcher Lindsay Whistance shares her insights into the link between animal welfare and resilience in livestock farming
In-field trees
Technical Guides
Woodland Trust factsheet on in-field trees produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Alley planting
Technical Guides
Woodland Trust factsheet on alley planting produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Technical Guides
Woodland Trust factsheet on shelterbelts produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Agroforestry Research and the REFOREST Project
Tom Staton of Reading University and Will Simonson of the ORC review the latest findings from the REFOREST project in this Pasture for Life webinar
Biotic stress and yield stability in English organic silvoarable agroforestry
Paper written by Colin Tosh, Tom Staton, Ambrogio Costanzo and Will Simonson arising from the Agromix project published in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development.
Marketing organic: Consumer insights report
Research Publications
UK Organic and ORC report - an in-depth analysis of UK consumer attitudes, behaviours, and knowledge regarding organic products.