

Diversifying our approach to cereal breeding with plant populations

This Research webinar gives an overview of current research on plant populations, what this approach can offer, what we still need to understand and how we might get policymakers to support wider use of such genetically diverse cereals.

ORC at the Northern Real Farming Conference – no till with living mulches

Workshop hosted by the Soil Association, featuring ORC’s Dominic Amos

ORC at the Northern Real Farming Conference – agroforestry

How can agroforestry contribute towards climate change mitigation? Discussion hosted by the Organic Research Centre

Agroforestry in the Uplands

The Soil Association have just released a new short film Agroforestry in the Uplands which focuses on why trees and hedgerows on upland farms are good for livestock, the environment, biodiversity, soil health and the bottom line.

What farmers have learnt from the living mulch field lab

Living mulches offer a way to build fertility without tillage or synthetic inputs, while sequestering more carbon and cutting costs. But can they be achieved without a significant yield penalty?

Growing Beyond Monoculture

As part of the EU Horizon 2020 research project DIVERSify, researchers have been working on investigating the viability of species mixture cropping as an alternative to crop monoculture.

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)

Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video)

Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video)

iSAGE Italian case study

Two Italian case studies within the iSAGE project: first, the innovative Poli goats Farm in Rovigo, and then the Brogna sheep breed from the Lessinia mountains

Public engagement—Routes to Future Success

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Trends in Organic Gardening

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Coping strategies for livestock farmers under climate change

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Observing Health in Soil, Crops & Animals – Panel Q & A

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Observing Health in Soil, Crops and Animals – Soil Health

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018