Research Summaries
Poultry management
This review of the research into organic poultry management focuses on breeding, rearing, housing, health and disease, medication and to a lesser extent nutrition which is covered in another Review. The results are analysed and practical recommendations made for the development of organic poultry systems and their management.
Advisory tools for use in organic farming
Advisory tools are an invaluable aid for advisers in providing farmers with the necessary information for analysis and planning of all aspects of the farm. The review of Advisory Tools provides access to and a comprehensive list of all the templates, calculators and analytical tools available to organic advisers, covering the environment, business, soils and animal husbandry.
Non-inversion organic arable cropping
“Non-Inversion Tillage” (NI) involves any cultivation system which does not seek to substantially invert the soil profile. For the purposes of this review, literature that refers to minimum, conservation and reduced tillage and also direct drilling techniques have been consulted. The review identifies the likely benefits and possible challenges inherent in moving away from inversion tillage and points towards some very successful commercial experience of NI.
Nitrogen supply and management in organic farming
Optimising the management and supply of nitrogen to crops remains one of the greatest challenges for organic producers. This Research Review covers a large number of research projects and summarises key aspects of nitrogen accumulation, management and utilisation through the use of legumes, catch crops, manures, cultivations and soil management.
Laboratory mineral soil analysis and soil mineral management in organic farming
The supply of nutrients to plants is dependent on the complex relationship between soil mineral levels, soil structure and type and biological activity. This review looks at the soil analysis techniques available to organic farmers and the supply and availability of nutrients to plants through the use of mineral additions and soil management.
The role, analysis and management of soil life and organic matter in soil health, crop nutrition and productivity
The concept of a “living soil” in which biological activity makes nutrients available to plants and fixes nitrogen is central to organic farming. This Review considers the research into the complex role of soil life and looks at the analytical techniques and management strategies which are available to us in the organic management of soils.
Compost: the effect of nutrients, soil health and crop quantity and quality
Compost is considered by many to be the holy grail of organic farming and growing. This review looks at the research and explores how compost varies according to the ingredients and the way it is made. It studies the evidence for compost improving plant health, quality and promoting disease resistance and summarises the situations in which compost is most useful.
The role of management of herbal pastures for animal health, productivity and production quality
This review seeks to address the role and management of herbal pastures for animal health, productivity and product quality. It involves a review of research and focuses on the use of herbal ley mixtures and varieties and their role in animal health and growth, meat quality, production and yield and climate change issues.
Financial performance, benchmarking and management for mixed organic farming
This Review of several research projects which focus on the financial performance of organic farming, demonstrates the profitability of organic farming businesses and how they compare with conventional farms. It analyses the factors which affect profitability and explores how the data can be used in benchmarking as a means of identifying the level of performance of individual farms and what changes in management can be made to improve profitability.
Cereal variety and population selection
Cereal breeding over the last half century has resulted in significant improvements in overall production. This review describes variety characteristics suitable for organic conditions, approaches to cereal breeding for organic systems, and finally the scope for the future.
Combinable protein crop production
This research topic review summarises research knowledge and observational experience of combinable protein crop production in organic farming systems for the UK. European research on peas, faba beans and lupins is included; considering their role in the rotation, nitrogen fixation, varieties, establishment, weed control, yields, problems experienced and intercropping with cereals.
Management and sustainability of stockless organic arable and horticultural systems
Stockless organic farming involves the use of green manures and green waste compost to replace clover leys, livestock and animal manures. This review draws on the research into stockless systems and addresses the challenges of conversion planning, rotation design, maintaining soil nutrient status, weed control, pest control and economic return.
Wildlife and biodiversity: integration and management of farming and wildlife for their mutual benefit
This review looks at a wide range of research, much of it focused on the wildlife impact of organic farming and draws out key practices which can benefit both the wildlife and farm productivity.
Monitoring and management of energy and emissions in agriculture
This review collates the results of research into energy use and emissions in organic farming, and provides advisers with an analysis of the results, access to the data used and a review of the benchmarking methodologies available. The review will inform those working in the development of benchmarking tools and advising farmers on practices to improve their performance.
Strategies for enhancing organic food quality
Production methods affect the quality of food and it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that, in order to meet market expectations, organic food achieves high standards of quality in all aspects. This review identifies food quality parameters and draws on research to identify how quality may be influenced in organic farming.
Grass clover ley species and variety selection and management
Grass clover leys form the basis of most organic farming systems yet the selection of seed mixtures is often founded on tradition or cost. Based on a review of recent and past research this review provides a wealth of information on grass and legume species and varieties, mixture selection, ley establishment and pasture management.
Nutrient budgets for organic farming
This review identifies the research done on nutrient budgeting and presents the latest input and output data for use in nutrient budgeting on farm to support rotation and soil management decision making. It includes a guide to nutrient budgeting on organic farms.
The role and management of whole-crop forage for organic ruminants
Whole-crop forage plays an invaluable role in supporting the productivity and health of ruminants. This comprehensive review of over 60 references and research projects provides a thorough yet succinct analysis of the key issues concerning cereal and pulse species and variety selection, mixtures, management, quality and use in organic farming systems.
Organic plant raising
This review identifies the research on propagation composts and plant raising and suggests ways in which organic propagation can move towards less reliance on peat, addresses the problems of nutrient supply and considers alternative methods of plant raising.
Controlling pests and diseases in organic field vegetables
This review provides a summary and analysis of the most recent research on pest and disease control in organic field vegetables. Recognising that organic farming involves a whole systems approach it focuses on: Management (forecasting, seed treatments) and rotations to prevent pests and diseases, varieties and breeding for organic systems, products being developed for organic systems, biological control measures (fungi, compost, biofumigants), other strategies (predator support, distractants) and potential for new products.
Dairy cow breeding for organic farming
Organic farming requires that in the choice of breeds or strains, account must be taken of the capacity of animals to adapt to local conditions, their vitality, and their resistance to disease. In addition, breeds or strains of animals shall be selected to avoid specific diseases or health problems associated with some breeds or strains used in intensive production. This review considers the research into organic dairy cow breeds and breeding, it discusses the need for a specific organic approach to breeding and cross breeding and makes some clear recommendations for selection priorities.