Tag: soil analysis

Soil analysis in organic farming and growing

Agroecological soil management, EIP operational group: technical guide 1
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Observing health in soil

Presentation at UK Organic Congress 2018

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GREATsoils – Project introduction and outcomes of four grower consultations

Presentation at 10th Organic Producers’ Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

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Technical leaflet 4: Soil analysis and management

Provides a summary of how soil analysis can be useful in the management of individual nutrients, provides information on sampling and different analytical techniques and considers the role of soil analysis in the context of other soil monitoring tools.

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The role, analysis and management of soil life and organic matter in soil health, crop nutrition and productivity

The concept of a “living soil” in which biological activity makes nutrients available to plants and fixes nitrogen is central to organic farming. This Review considers the research into the complex role of soil life and looks at the analytical techniques and management strategies which are available to us in the organic management of soils.

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Laboratory mineral soil analysis and soil mineral management in organic farming

The supply of nutrients to plants is dependent on the complex relationship between soil mineral levels, soil structure and type and biological activity. This review looks at the soil analysis techniques available to organic farmers and the supply and availability of nutrients to plants through the use of mineral additions and soil management.

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