Tag: fodder

Technical leaflet 1: Organic dairy cow nutrition

Summarises the key recommendations arising from research, in particular focusing on the absolute priority of improving production from forage and the importance of rumen and cow health as well as addressing issues of forage quality, the effect of season on forage protein, the role of mixed forages and self sufficient dairy systems.

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Technical leaflet 3: Organic beef and sheep nutrition

Reviews relevant research on beef and sheep nutrition, takes account of the experience of producers and provides practical recommendations on making better use of forage and guidance on ration formulation.

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Dairy cow nutrition

This review pulls together the results of over 40 research projects and brings us up to date with the latest in thinking on dairy cow nutrition, incorporates the findings of a wide range of organic trials and draws some clear recommendations on appropriate strategies for forage type and management, supplementary feeding, ration formulation and farming systems. It raises important issues around sustainability versus optimum production and highlights future research priorities.

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