ORC 17 Silvoarable agroforestry
Agricology video from 11th Organic Producers’ Conference: Rising to the challenge
Developing agroforestry systems to suit your farm
Presentation at 11th Organic Producers’ Conference: Rising to the challenge
The economics of silvo-arable agroforestry
Presentation at 11th Organic Producers’ Conference: Rising to the challenge
Tree: crop interactions in UK alley cropping agroforestry systems: impacts on crop yield and total productivity
Enhancing agricultural productivity and ecosystem service resilience in multifunctional landscapes
Presentation at 10th Organic Producers’ Conference. Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice
Hedgerow harvesting in Flanders. Our experiences
Harvesting Woodfuel from your Farm – Legal Considerations
Experiences from the ORC’s Machinery Trials
Machinery Trials Elm Farm December 2014 & Wakelyns February 2015
Hedges for fuel: The South West experience
Forest gardens – an experiment in horticulture based on woodland complexity
Presentation at 8th Organic producers’ Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification – which way forward for organic farming?
Starting an Agroforestry scheme – giving us fruit and nuts to sell and enhancing our production of vegetables
Presentation at 8th Organic producers’ Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification – which way forward for organic farming?
Trees on livestock farms
Presentation at 7th Organic Producers’ Conference: Making producer-led innovation a reality