Filter CategoriesFilter - AllCurrent ProjectsPast ProjectsFilter CategoriesFilter - AllAgroforestryAnimal HusbandryBusiness & MarketsFood SystemsCrop Diversity & AgronomyKnowledge Exchange GreenGrass READ MORE GreenGrass 21 March 2025 The GreenGrass project will work with conventional dairy farmers who are striving to minimise their carbon footprint and improve efficiency through re... UK-Brazil-Africa Silvopasture Network READ MORE UK-Brazil-Africa Silvopasture Network 10 December 2024 This project aims to promote the use of silvopasture to build resilience in the livestock sector of Ghana and Nigeria, by networking with stakeholders... Optimum Shelterbelts READ MORE Optimum Shelterbelts 3 June 2024 The Optimum Shelterbelts project has delivered a suite of production and landscape protocols which will create knowledge of agroforestry systems in UK... Joining the Dots (Phase 1): Scoping a collaborative distribution network for agroecological food producers READ MORE Joining the Dots (Phase 1): Scoping a collaborative distribution network for agr... 29 February 2024 The Joining the Dots project will lay the groundwork to develop a collaborative distribution network to catalyse growth of an agroecological food syst... Feed the Soil: A research and knowledge exchange hub for novel organic waste management strategies to build healthy soils and healthy crops READ MORE Feed the Soil: A research and knowledge exchange hub for novel organic waste man... 29 February 2024 The Feed the Soil project will build the knowledge base and develop practical advice for UK land managers on the best way to compost organic wastes an... Agroforestry and orchard pilot study READ MORE Agroforestry and orchard pilot study 13 December 2023 ORC pilot study assessing the results and outcomes of a mini-grant scheme supporting tree planting activities as part of Defra’s Trees Outside Woodlan... REA on Plant and Soil Science Research in Regen Ag in the UK READ MORE REA on Plant and Soil Science Research in Regen Ag in the UK 30 November 2023 This Rapid Evidence Assessment will map the actors working within the Regenerative Agriculture community in the UK. The final discussion paper will be... Aiming high for hedgerows READ MORE Aiming high for hedgerows 30 November 2023 This project explores how the government’s targets of creating or restoring 30,000 miles of hedgerow by 2037 and 45,000 by 2050 can become a reality, ... Agroforestry ELMS Test on advice and guidance READ MORE Agroforestry ELMS Test on advice and guidance 30 November 2023 Building on the recently completed Agroforestry Test 106, this project led by the Woodland Trust will develop different advice and guidance offers to ... Importance of Hedgerows as Wildlife Corridors READ MORE Importance of Hedgerows as Wildlife Corridors 21 November 2023 This project aims to prove that connecting patches of woodlands together by hedgerows has a beneficial effect on the woodland ecology by providing a m... Organic Hop Variety Trials READ MORE Organic Hop Variety Trials 14 November 2023 The Organic Hop Varieties Field Lab is a participatory approach to variety testing and evaluation including the whole supply chain. The aim is to secu... Food Data Collaboration – Food and Farming Enterprise Research READ MORE Food Data Collaboration – Food and Farming Enterprise Research 14 November 2023 The goal is to ensure that produce traded through the Food Data Collaboration enables the vision of agroecology, food system fairness and nutrition fo... Marketing of Organics READ MORE Marketing of Organics 14 November 2023 The Marketing of Organics Project is a three-year ORC research programme, looking to identify clearer routes to growth in organic food supply chains a... FOODLEVERS READ MORE FOODLEVERS 13 November 2023 FOODLEVERS is a three-years research project (2020-2023) that aims to identify key leverage points to further develop and scale up existing innovative... Whole farm carbon framework READ MORE Whole farm carbon framework 7 November 2023 A six-month development project to scope a joined-up approach that would allow farmers and land-owners/managers to easily and simultaneously access re... LIVESEEDING READ MORE LIVESEEDING 18 July 2023 LIVESEEDING aims to foster the growth of the organic sector and transition towards more sustainable local food systems by delivering high quality orga... Agroforestry Carbon Code READ MORE Agroforestry Carbon Code 6 July 2023 The project explored the potential for the carbon captured and stored by trees in agroforestry systems to be quantified and potentially used to suppor... OPER8 READ MORE OPER8 28 June 2023 H2021 European project OPER8 will share guidance and advice on effective alternative methods of weed control to herbicides, such as biological. cultur... ORC Living Mulches READ MORE ORC Living Mulches 28 June 2023 This project explores the potential of direct drilling cash crops into established stands of clover, also known as a living mulch and expanding our un... ReForest READ MORE ReForest 17 May 2023 REFOREST – is a 4 year-long Horizon Europe project, bringing together 14 institutions from 10 European countries with extensive expertise in this fiel... Public Goods Tool READ MORE Public Goods Tool 31 March 2023 The Public Goods Tool was designed to capture data about farm practices and represent the sustainability and produce of public goods. The PG Tool offe... Re-Livestock READ MORE Re-Livestock 21 March 2023 The Re-Livestock project aims to promote best practice and resilience in livestock systems in the face of climate change. Organic at the Heart READ MORE Organic at the Heart 23 June 2021 The Organic at the Heart project aims to build communities around environmentally friendly farming through the development and demonstration of local ... A National Network of Agroforestry Farms READ MORE A National Network of Agroforestry Farms 13 April 2021 Sharing knowledge and evidence of the value of agroforestry through a network of farms and initiatives across the UK working to balance the objectives... Dartmoor ELMs Test and Trial READ MORE Dartmoor ELMs Test and Trial 29 March 2021 ORC is supporting Dartmoor National Park Authority Officers and the Voluntary Advisory Team in the development of a scorecard as part of their Dartmoo... Agroforestry ELM Test 106 – Designing an Environmental Land Management system for UK agroforestry READ MORE Agroforestry ELM Test 106 – Designing an Environmental Land Management system fo... 28 January 2021 Are you a farmer practicing or interested in agroforestry? Click here to receive project email updates or become more involved with this project.&nbs... AGROforestry and MIXed farming systems — Participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe (AGROMIX) READ MORE AGROforestry and MIXed farming systems — Participatory research to drive the tra... 18 September 2020 The project investigates the opportunities given by mixed farming and agroforestry systems for carbon balance and climate change mitigation and adapta... Evaluating the different approaches for improving UK organic trade statistics READ MORE Evaluating the different approaches for improving UK organic trade statistics 10 February 2020 The study is looking at improving organic trade data statistics in the UK WOOFS: WOOdchip For Fertile Soils READ MORE WOOFS: WOOdchip For Fertile Soils 9 January 2020 WOOFS is a new EU-funded EIP Operational Group of researchers, farmers and foresters from the UK. The group is led byORC and formed to investigate the... Agro-ecological soil management, EIP Operational Group (European Innovation Partnership) READ MORE Agro-ecological soil management, EIP Operational Group (European Innovation Part... 8 January 2020 This EIP operational group compares alternative soil assessment methods specifically for organic dairy systems (Albrecht method, Soil Respiration, etc... Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems READ MORE Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems 7 January 2020 DIVERSIFOOD will evaluate and enrich the diversity of cultivated plants within diverse agroecosystems so as to increase the performance and resilience... Farm-based organic variety trials network READ MORE Farm-based organic variety trials network 1 January 2020 Livewheat will establish a network of farmers and researchers, with broad stakeholders’ support, able to undertake on-farm experimentation and data co... Environmental Land Management Scheme: Test and Trials READ MORE Environmental Land Management Scheme: Test and Trials 10 January 2019 the table of projects on the relevant team page.] The project aims to assess the public goods that are being delivered through agricultural practices,... Farm system health in practice READ MORE Farm system health in practice 1 May 2018 This project uses participatory approaches to work with the established network of example farms in the UK, Germany and Austria to jointly develop a s... Organic Plus – Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe READ MORE Organic Plus – Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agric... 1 May 2018 Minimising the use of contentious inputs in certified organic agriculture in Europe by providing research based decision support for actors in the org... Organic Techniques READ MORE Organic Techniques 1 February 2018 Reviewing of international approaches to organic regulations and labelling - production, economic and market access implications for UK READ MORE Reviewing of international approaches to organic regulations and labelling - pro... 2 January 2018 The project will help to provide an evidence base for future policy direction of organic agriculture in the UK following EU exit as well as exploring ... Sustainable economic and ecological grazing systems- learning from innovative practitioners READ MORE Sustainable economic and ecological grazing systems- learning from innovative pr... 1 January 2018 The project aims to evaluate the ecological, agronomic, economic and social impacts of the pasture fed livestock approach to grazing management and it... Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed READ MORE Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed 1 January 2018 The project aims to help farmers, breeders and the organic feed processing industry achieve the goal of 100% use of organic and regional feed for mono... Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability READ MORE Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted wit... 1 June 2017 Crop diversification systems for the delivery of food, feed, industrial products and ecosystems services - from farm benefits to value-chain organisat... Designing innovative plant teams for ecosystem resilience and agricultural sustainability READ MORE Designing innovative plant teams for ecosystem resilience and agricultural susta... 1 April 2017 The Horizon 2020-funded DIVERSify project aims to optimise the performance of crop species mixtures (‘plant teams’) as a means to improve yield stabil... Organic Farmer Consumer Partnership: How to successfully communicate ethical values READ MORE Organic Farmer Consumer Partnership: How to successfully communicate ethical val... 7 January 2017 This project investigates marketing and communication strategies by which organic farmers try to include higher ethical values in their production, lo... LIVESEED: Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe READ MORE LIVESEED: Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe 6 January 2017 EU H2020 research project boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe. 35 partners - 18 countries Agroforestry Innovation Networks READ MORE Agroforestry Innovation Networks 1 January 2017 AFINET will promote innovation in agroforestry through the development of a network, based on successful sharing of practical experiences and existing... Transitions to agroecological systems: Farmers’ viewpoints READ MORE Transitions to agroecological systems: Farmers’ viewpoints 1 November 2016 A study of the motivations, attitudes and experiences of farmers who have adopted agroecological farming, based on in-depth interviews with 14 farmers... CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems READ MORE CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input... 1 November 2016 The project will promote innovation through diversity-based ‘alternative’ cereal food systems in Europe through knowledge exchange and communities of ... Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe READ MORE Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe 1 March 2016 Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe (iSAGE) is making the European Sheep and Goat sectors more sustainable, competitive and... Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems to develop climate-resilient agro-ecosystems in Europe READ MORE Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food syste... 1 March 2016 The main objective of SustainFARM is to enhance agronomic, environmental and economic performance of integrated food and non-food production systems (... Innovative Farmers READ MORE Innovative Farmers 10 January 2016 Innovative Farmers is a not-for-profit network that gives farmers research support and funding on their own terms. Agroforestry in dairy systems, a part of Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying READ MORE Agroforestry in dairy systems, a part of Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairy... 3 January 2016 This project, part of SOLID, is investigating the potential of integrating bioenergy production from short rotation coppice with dairy systems for alt... Distribution of the added value of the organic food chain READ MORE Distribution of the added value of the organic food chain 1 January 2016 The study aims to identify and analyse the distribution of added value in the organic supply chain in the European Union. GREATSoils READ MORE GREATSoils 1 April 2015 Growing Resilient Efficient And Thriving Soils Agricology READ MORE Agricology 1 April 2015 Agroecology is about restoring soils, using fewer chemicals, tackling climate change and replenishing wildlife and natural habitats. Our focus is on b... Organic Knowledge Network Arable READ MORE Organic Knowledge Network Arable 1 March 2015 OK-NET Arable aims to improve the exchange of innovative and traditional knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists to increase productivit... Greenhouse Gas Platform: Data Synthesis, Modelling and Management project READ MORE Greenhouse Gas Platform: Data Synthesis, Modelling and Management project 6 January 2015 The Greenhouse Gas Research Platform is a Defra and devolved administration funded research programme that seeks to improve the accuracy and resolutio... Developing best practice networks of health in organic agricultural systems READ MORE Developing best practice networks of health in organic agricultural systems 1 January 2015 Developing an international network of producers, advisors, scientists and other stakeholders, to jointly elaborate new and interdisciplinary approach... Winter grazing cereals: The effects on crop-weed competition and grain yield READ MORE Winter grazing cereals: The effects on crop-weed competition and grain yield 1 October 2014 This project assesses the question ‘How can the traditional method of grazing winter wheat with sheep optimised to control black-grass populations?’... Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry READ MORE Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs ... 10 January 2014 The aim of ICOPP is to produce economically profitable feeding strategies based on 100% organic feed across Europe, which will supply poultry and pigs... Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management READ MORE Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management 9 January 2014 Develop specific and novel breeding approaches integrated with management practices to improve performance, quality, sustainability and stability of c... Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems READ MORE Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems 9 January 2014 In the TILMAN-ORG project the ORC is collaborating with 15 partners across 10 European countries to investigate the effects of reduced tillage and gre... AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development (AGFORWARD) READ MORE AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development (AGFORWARD) 1 January 2014 Working with 26 partners from across 23 European countries, this project aims to promote agroforestry practices in Europe that will advance sustainabl... The Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Intensification READ MORE The Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Intensification 1 January 2014 Report on on the contribution that agro-ecological systems and strategies can make to sustainable intensification in the UK and European context. Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement READ MORE Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement 1 January 2014 The aim of the WHEALBI project is to apply genomic, genetic and agronomic approaches to improve European wheat and barley production in competitive an... Coordinating organic plant breeding activities for diversity READ MORE Coordinating organic plant breeding activities for diversity 1 March 2013 COBRA involves 41 partners from 18 European countries which will focus on coordinating, linking and expanding on-going organic breeding activities in ... Further Development of Methodologies for Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring in Organic/Ecological Agriculture READ MORE Further Development of Methodologies for Sustainability Assessment and Monitorin... 31 January 2013 Working with the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) we are pooling our expertise to further develop methods for sustainability ass... Towards Eco-energetic Communities READ MORE Towards Eco-energetic Communities 1 January 2013 Realising the economic potential of using biomass from landscape elements for local energy or heat production with respect for the current ecological,... Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming READ MORE Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming 3 September 2012 The aim is to evaluate Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (Organic products) and implementing rules with respect to achieving its objectives and side effects... Duchy Future Farming Programme READ MORE Duchy Future Farming Programme 1 May 2012 The Duchy Future Farming programme supports innovation in sustainable agriculture. The programme will help British farmers identify and adopt practice... Towards a sustainable and productive EU organic greenhouse horticulture READ MORE Towards a sustainable and productive EU organic greenhouse horticulture 19 April 2012 To improve and disseminate knowledge for new and better production strategies, methods and technologies to support sustainable and productive organic ... Optimise Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations READ MORE Optimise Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations 1 April 2012 OSCAR studies key factors influencing the success of cover cropping, incl. cultivation methods, machinery and suitable plant genotypes. It develops ta... Reviewing and Developing Health Concepts for Ecological Agriculture READ MORE Reviewing and Developing Health Concepts for Ecological Agriculture 1 March 2012 The project aims to critically review current health concepts in agriculture, to develop new, comprehensive and consistent health concepts for ecologi... European Data Network for Improved Transparency of Organic Markets READ MORE European Data Network for Improved Transparency of Organic Markets 1 February 2012 The project aims to increase the transparency of the European organic food market through better availability of market intelligence about the sector ... Innovative strategies for copper-free low input and organic farming systems READ MORE Innovative strategies for copper-free low input and organic farming systems 1 January 2012 The project aims to develop innovative methods, tools and concepts for the replacement of copper in European organic and low input fruit, grapevine, p... PhD programme: An assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of a large-scale conversion to organic farming in the UK READ MORE PhD programme: An assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of a larg... 1 August 2011 The work proposed will be a policy-focussed series of papers exploring the theme of a large-scale conversion to organic agriculture within the UK and ... Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture READ MORE Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture 1 May 2011 Assist with the identification of cost of production for specific organic enterprises and environmental indicators using farm accountancy data (FADN) Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying READ MORE Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying 1 April 2011 Improving the technical performance and economic competitiveness of organic and low input dairy systems in Europe while maximising their potential to ... 2011 Organic Farm Management Handbook READ MORE 2011 Organic Farm Management Handbook 5 February 2011 The publicataion provides up-to-date information on likely yields, prices and costs of production and relevant grants for organic farmers and advisors... Evaluation of the German Programme for Organic Food and Farming Research READ MORE Evaluation of the German Programme for Organic Food and Farming Research 1 January 2011 The Programme for Organic Agriculture (BÖL) was set up in 2001 by the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (then BMVEL); the r... Use and efficiency of public support measures addressing organic farming in the EU READ MORE Use and efficiency of public support measures addressing organic farming in the ... 1 January 2011 The project analyses public support measures addressing organic farming in relation to impact on number of organic farms, organic land area, market de... Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales READ MORE Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales 2 December 2010 Analysis of financial performance of organic farming in terms of profitablity and enterprise persformance relative to previous years and in comparison... The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-Level Benchmarking to Environmental and Other Aspects of Farm Performance READ MORE The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-Level Benchmarking to Environmental an... 1 December 2010 Desk study exploring the potential to extend farm-level financial and technical benchmarking to cover the areas of energy use, greenhouse gas emission... Can agroforestry reconcile conflicting demands for productivity, biodiversity conservation and delivery of ecosystem services? READ MORE Can agroforestry reconcile conflicting demands for productivity, biodiversity co... 1 October 2010 This PhD aims: (i) to identify which goods and services agroforestry systems can deliver, (ii) to quantify the values of these services (ecologically ... OCIS Public Goods Tool READ MORE OCIS Public Goods Tool 1 July 2010 The OCIS public goods project produced a tool which is designed to provide a simple, measurable and accessible way to show the ‘Public Goods’ that acc... Eco-Agroforestry Network READ MORE Eco-Agroforestry Network 24 May 2010 The Eco-Agroforestry Network aims to bring the sustainable agroforestry approach into the mainstream of UK food, fuel, timber, and fibre production, t... Impacts of organic silvoarable systems on pest and disease distribution – Sheepdrove Organic Farm, Berkshire READ MORE Impacts of organic silvoarable systems on pest and disease distribution – Sheepd... 1 March 2010 MSc research project investigating the distribution of pests and diseases, and microclimatic differences, within a silvoarable system and arable contr... A review of temperate agroforestry research literature READ MORE A review of temperate agroforestry research literature 5 January 2010 A comprehensive review of research activities in temperate agroforestry systems was carried out to provide a basis for identifying the potential of ag... Potato virus Y: epidemiology, control and virus-host interactions READ MORE Potato virus Y: epidemiology, control and virus-host interactions 1 January 2010 The project conducts a monitoring programme for Potato virus Y and its vectors in Northern Finland in order to design viable virus control options for... Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems. READ MORE Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic ... 1 December 2009 The three year collaborative project aims to improve soil fertility building in leys by developing targeted species mixtures of green manures, in part... Economics Analysis of Certification Systems in Organic Food and Farming READ MORE Economics Analysis of Certification Systems in Organic Food and Farming 1 November 2009 The main project objective is to generate research based knowledge on how to improve the organic food certification system in terms of efficiency, tra... Development of methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social characteristics of (organic and non-organic) farming systems READ MORE Development of methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social ... 1 August 2009 A range of UK farming systems will be described. A methodology will be developed, to describe their economic, environmental and social characteristic... New approaches to weed control in oilseed rape READ MORE New approaches to weed control in oilseed rape 1 August 2009 The project tests weed control within the inter-row spacing of oilseed rape using various techniques. This includes positioning systems (e.g. vision-g... Harnessing new technologies for sustainable oat production and utilization READ MORE Harnessing new technologies for sustainable oat production and utilization 1 July 2009 This project integrates various breeding and selection methods with high throughput analysis of grain composition to develop oats varieties for human ... The biodiversity impacts of establishing a silvoarable agroforestry system – Whitehall Farm, Cambs READ MORE The biodiversity impacts of establishing a silvoarable agroforestry system – Whi... 1 June 2009 This ongoing project will monitor the effect on biodiversity of establishing a silvoarable system with apple trees on previously intensive conventiona... Tree-crop interactions in silvoarable agroforestry READ MORE Tree-crop interactions in silvoarable agroforestry 10 January 2009 In 2009 we carried out a study to investigate the interactions between tree and crop components in the mixed hardwood and fruit tree silvoarable syste... Adaptive winter wheat populations: development, genetic characterisation and application READ MORE Adaptive winter wheat populations: development, genetic characterisation and app... 1 April 2008 We study the yield, quality, and stability of wheat Composite Cross Populations (CCPs) under high and low input over a range of environments through p... Silvo-Poultry: An Agroforestry System for Organic Chicken Production at Sheepdrove Organic Farm READ MORE Silvo-Poultry: An Agroforestry System for Organic Chicken Production at Sheepdro... 1 January 2001 In collaboration with Sheepdrove Organic Farm in Berkshire we designed a novel silvopoultry system which is integrated into the farm’s organic rotatio...
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