Meacher’s GE albatross – Lawrence Woodward
The Impact of Organic Farming on the Rural Economy in Engl
Slides to accompany ‘Out of Touch, Out of Time?’
Elm Farm Research Centre response to DEFRA consultation on the transposition of EU Council Directive 2003/85 on Foot and Mouth Disease
Beware biofuel enthusiasm
Antibiotics lurking in veg says US study
Developing a participatory approach to seed production and varietal selection
EFRC application for employment
Proceedings from EFRC’s Food Quality Conference
Foreward, Abstracts and Speaker biographies from the FQ conference proceedings
Responses to papers delivered at the FQ conference
Appendices from FQ conference
Towards Whole Food Quality – Lawrence Woodward
Understanding the relationship between production methods and food quality using mainstream scientific concepts – Kirsten Brandt
Complementary methods of food quality determination – Prof Angelika Meier-Ploeger
“Extra Quality” of organic food? – Dr Jurgen Strube and Peter Stolz
Characterisation of the biochrystallisation method using computerised image analysis – Dr Johannes Kahl
Report on the Conference by a Delegate – Laura Davis
Organic imports study
Hock Burn Research Note