Search Results for: trees

186 results found for 'trees'.


Trees and vegetable production – an integrated system

An example of agroforestry from north-west England, featuring Alan Schofield - Growing with Nature

News & events

An update: agroforestry payments in England

We unpick Defra's recent updates to the Sustainable Farming Incentive with the implications for agroforestry

Agroforestry a ‘win-win’ for the future of farming

It is not the first time that we have heard the sentiment that ”Agroforestry has come of age.” It was heard at the Agroforestry Conference at Silsoe in 2017, but the scale of the Agroforestry Show, organised by the Soil Association and the Woodland Trust at Helen Browning’s Eastbrook Farm in Wiltshire, suggested that we are indeed at the ‘beginning of change.’ The Soil Association proclaimed that there was consensus across around 1200 delegates that ...

Government support needed for agroforestry

Parliamentary wake up call for putting trees at the heart of agriculture

Farmers and researchers are teaming up in the first ever farmer-led study into the benefits of agroforestry

Farmers in the UK, for the first time, are getting the chance to co-design research to determine the benefits of integrating more trees on their farms. A farmer-led agroforestry project launching this month will spend the next twelve years investigating whether the practice is a viable way to address the climate and nature crises while maintaining productive farmland. The new field lab, involving seven farms in Devon, will be the largest participatory research project to ...

Improving the resilience of your livestock systems

Livestock farmers set to discover how trees can grow their business

Could willow be the answer to better lamb growth?

New research has shown willow trees could be used to optimise production in lambs because it has particularly high concentrations of cobalt and zinc

REFOREST Living Lab at Gowbarrow Hall Farm

Report from the REFOREST North of England Agroforestry Living Lab meet up at the beautiful Gowbarrow Hall Farm in the Lake District, hosted by Sam and Claire Beaumont.

Tree to Heat: Making the most of on-farm woody resources

Report from Wakelyns Agroforestry workshop

Agroforestry for growers

Report from workshop at Tolhurst Organics