
A clear option space for expanding organic agriculture despite nitrogen limits - new INRAE led study

A new INRAE led study has been published looking into a clear option space for expanding organic agriculture despite nitrogen limits. Recognising that one of the limits of widespread organic farming is the limited nitrogen…
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European database for organic seeds

The European database for organic seed has been developed within the EU project LIVESEED. Its objective is to create more transparency for the EU member states and for seed suppliers regarding available offers of organic…
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Organic seed market trends, seed business analyses, and policy measures

LIVESEED is organising an online (Zoom) workshop on the current organic seed market trends, the results of research on organic seed businesses and on the different policy measures to boost the production and use of…
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New GM field trial consultation - help oppose the planting of experimental GM wheat

Rothamsted Research has applied for permission to plant a field trial of GM Wheat and a statutory public consultation is now open. Field trials always carry a risk of escape and wheat is a staple food in…
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Regenerative Agriculture: Farming with Benefits

A new book Regenerative Agriculture: Farming with Benefits by Marianne Landzettel is reviewed by ORC's Senior Agroforestry Researcher Colin Tosh. I approached the book with a few misgivings. The cover said ‘textbook’ while the text…
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Herbal Ley Establishment & Management

One day course on Herbal Leys Establishment and Management brought to you by the FarmED team and Cotswolds Seeds. A herbal ley is a complex seed mixture of grasses, legumes and herbs, which bring a…
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Agroforestry Design Masterclass (2 Day Intensive)

Looking to integrate trees into your farming business this coming planting season but don’t know which trees to plant, how many, or where? Unsure about fencing, or how to market your tree products? Discover the…
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Ten minutes with Lisa Arguile

What is your job role at the ORC? Sustainability Researcher How long have you worked at the ORC? Just over two and a half years Where are you from/ where are you based? I grew…
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Silvopasture field lab on Farming Today

BBC Farming Today visited Andy Gray one of the farmers participating in the new Innovative Farmers Silvopasture field lab. " A field lab being run by Innovative Farmers - a not-for-profit group which links up…
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InfoHub on intercropping launched

A new DIVERSify legacy website has been launched. It includes the Farmer Guide ‘InfoHub’ “for practical information on intercropping agronomy, resilience and ecosystem service provision, on-farm experiences and innovations” and a Policy Toolbox that…
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