
COR Paper: Mark Measures

Farm Auditing for Sustainability

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COR Paper: Scott Phillips

Plant Breeding for Agricultural Diversity

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COR Paper: Professor Martin Wolfe

Ecological Cropping Systems – An Organic Target

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Health, Sustainability and the Global Economy

Given at the 11th International IFOAM Conference in Copenhagen , Denmark, August 1996.

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Eating Oil Report summary

A summary version of the report “Eating Oil: Food supply in a changing climate” produced by Sustain and Elm Farm Research Centre

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Functional Biodiversity

An article by Professor Martin Wolfe, Research Director of EFRC

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The Environmental Benefits of Organic Farming

A DEFRA Project. This is the Executive Summary of the DEFRA-funded project, OF0405, by authors Mark Shepherd, Dr Bruce Pearce, Bill Cormack, Lois Philipps, Steve Cuttle, Anne Bhogal, Peter Costigan & Roger Unwin.

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Animal Health and Welfare Strategy

A consultation document by UK Government, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales. Consultation response by Elm Farm Research Centre. Position statement.

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FMD Lessons Learned Inquiry

EFRC submission on Foot and Mouth Disease

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