
Food Miles - Andy Jones

Food Miles – Andy Jones, Senior Researcher

Posted in News and events, Research
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ENEAC- poster

Who are ENEAC?

Posted in News and events, Research
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EFRC partner in Sustain school meal campaign

EFRC partner in Sustain school meal campaign

Posted in News and events, Research
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Scottish hill farmers lose organic enthusiasm

Scottish hill farmers lose organic enthusiasm

Posted in News and events, Research
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Booming Organic Sales

Booming retail sales star in Organic Market Report 2005

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Avian flu briefing Nov 05

A sense of proportion in a world gone Avian ‘Flu mad.

Posted in News and events, Research
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EFRC and school meal legislation

EFRC urges joined up nutrition thinking in school meals legislation

Posted in News and events, Research
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Avian 'flu - the issues

Avian ‘flu – the issues

Posted in News and events, Research
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What is CAP reform?

What is CAP reform?

Posted in News and events, Research
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