
...but not organic carrots

Try something new today, says Sainsbury’s – but not organic carrots

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Farm animal superbug worries

MRSA superbug threat to human health from infected farm animals

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Brussels takes pride in its new organic regulation

Brussels takes pride in its new organic regulation

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Supermarkets bad - box schemes god

The real expense of supermarket veg

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Not so bootiful now

What lessons has Bernard Matthews learned from the outbreak of H5N1 avian flu in his Suffolk turkeys.

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Deforestation diesel - the madness of biofuels

How sustainable are biofuels? Politicians love them, conservationists have a different view.

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Biofuels end cheap food

It’s official – biofuels are taking over as the main growth driver for agricultural demand. So says the world’s leading investment bank Goldman Sachs.

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How green are grocers?

A new mantra is sweeping the City of London, says Organic Research Centre director Lawrence Woodward – “Green is the new black”. Incredibly, key investors and opinion formers are ready to swallow such ideas that “Tesco is helping to set the pace in the fight against climate change”.

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