
The last great land grab

Demand for land to grow food, fuel crops and wood is set to outstrip supply, leading to the further destruction of forests and other valuable habitat.

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TB policy - one day we'll vaccinate

Defra not to cull badgers – will use vaccination for TB when available

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BBOP july

BBOP details

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Hot out of oven results

Initial results from test baking of the composite cross populations show that the populations perform consistently between organic and conventional systems, unlike a mixture and a conventionally-bred variety which do well in non-organic but not organic systems

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Lock up you carbon?

Defra study illustrates problems of locking up soil organic carbon

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Food report for Prime Minister

Cabinet Office report says proper food policy could save 70,000 lives a year

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GM - an answer to which question?

Dysfunctional technology of GM is no answer to world hunger

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Credit crunch effects

Is the UK organic sector defying food industry and media sceptics who’ve predicted that the organics and fair trade sectors will be the first to be hit by the credit crunch? And whose figures on the size of the UK organic retail market should we believe anyway?

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Light at end of BSE tunnel?

UK risk of BSE downgraded

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An organic Wales

Land area under organic management in Wales increased by 15% in 2007 and now amounts to some 90,000 ha on 800 holdings, that’s 6.3% of Welsh agricultural area.

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