
New wave of livestock disease

Paul van Aarle of Intervet says that after Bluetongue, we can expect to see Rift Valley Fever and West Nile-virus arriving in Europe before long.

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Bright, new, shiny CAP

Health check of CAP

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Fixing fertility building

The development of a complex legume based mixture for better fertility building is to become a reality in a new project, led by the Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm. The mixture will be designed to optimise the transfer of nitrogen from the fertility building ley to the subsequent crops in the rotation.

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All change please

We are living in a changing world. Organic farmers, along with all farmers across the globe, are operating within a new order of global warming and apparent food shortage.

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Global warming - it's us

It’s official – scientists are now able to say with some certainty that the global climate change, observed over the past four decades, is not the result of natural phenomena. It is man made.

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Organic boost from expensive oil

New report forecasts rising profits for UK organic arable

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Organic solution to wrold hunger

The charity Send a Cow has urged world leaders meeting in Rome to invest in small-scale organic farming as the best way out of the world’s food crisis for the poorest of the poor.

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Shepherding livestock diversity

This week sees the first meeting of a new National Standing Committee designed to encourage the sustainable use and protection of the UK’s rich diversity of livestock breeds.

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Food crisis silver lining

The gathering world food crisis is bad news for many of the world’s poor and for developing economies, but rather good news for others. Global agribusiness firms, traders and speculators are currently raking in huge profits.

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