The GreenGrass project will work with conventional dairy farmers who are striving to minimise their carbon footprint and improve efficiency through reduced use of N fertilisers.
UK-Brazil-Africa Silvopasture Network
This project aims to promote the use of silvopasture to build resilience in the livestock sector of Ghana and Nigeria, by networking with stakeholders in these African countries, UK and Brazil.
Feed the Soil: A research and knowledge exchange hub for novel organic waste management strategies to build healthy soils and healthy crops
The Feed the Soil project will build the knowledge base and develop practical advice for UK land managers on the best way to compost organic wastes and apply it (or its products) to produce a biologically active product to feed the soil.
Agroforestry ELMS Test on advice and guidance
Building on the recently completed Agroforestry Test 106, this project led by the Woodland Trust will develop different advice and guidance offers to farmers embarking on agroforestry and test their effectiveness in supporting successful design of agroforestry systems
Importance of Hedgerows as Wildlife Corridors
This project aims to prove that connecting patches of woodlands together by hedgerows has a beneficial effect on the woodland ecology by providing a migratory bridge for species from one area to another.
Marketing of Organics
The Marketing of Organics Project is a three-year ORC research programme, looking to identify clearer routes to growth in organic food supply chains and a better understanding of consumer perceptions of organic produce.
LIVESEEDING aims to foster the growth of the organic sector and transition towards more sustainable local food systems by delivering high quality organic seed of diverse cultivars adjusted to organic farming for a wide range of crops.
Public Goods Tool
The Public Goods Tool was designed to capture data about farm practices and represent the sustainability and produce of public goods. The PG Tool offers a simple way of visualising the state of a farm in relation to 12 indicators
Agroecology is about restoring soils, using fewer chemicals, tackling climate change and replenishing wildlife and natural habitats. Our focus is on building a more diverse, more resilient system that restores the land, from the ground up, and ensures a secure supply of food. We want to create a better, fairer food and farming system that works with nature to produce healthier crops, higher welfare animals and nutritious food for all.