Designing innovative plant teams for ecosystem resilience and agricultural sustainability
The Horizon 2020-funded DIVERSify project aims to optimise the performance of crop species mixtures (‘plant teams’) as a means to improve yield stability, reduce pest and disease damage, and enhance stress resilience in agricultural systems.
LIVESEED: Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe
EU H2020 research project boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe. 35 partners – 18 countries
Innovative Farmers
Innovative Farmers is a not-for-profit network that gives farmers research support and funding on their own terms.
Organic Knowledge Network Arable
OK-NET Arable aims to improve the exchange of innovative and traditional knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists to increase productivity and quality in organic arable cropping all over Europe, in order to satisfy future market demand.
Winter grazing cereals: The effects on crop-weed competition and grain yield
This project assesses the question ‘How can the traditional method of grazing winter wheat with sheep optimised to control black-grass populations?’
Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management
Develop specific and novel breeding approaches integrated with management practices to improve performance, quality, sustainability and stability of crops adapted to organic and low-input systems in Europe and small-scale farms in Africa.
Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems
In the TILMAN-ORG project the ORC is collaborating with 15 partners across 10 European countries to investigate the effects of reduced tillage and green manures on organic farms.
Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement
The aim of the WHEALBI project is to apply genomic, genetic and agronomic approaches to improve European wheat and barley production in competitive and sustainable cropping systems.
Coordinating organic plant breeding activities for diversity
COBRA involves 41 partners from 18 European countries which will focus on coordinating, linking and expanding on-going organic breeding activities in cereals and grain legumes across Europe, drawing together experts from previously fragmented areas.