Contract Period : 01/10/2010 - 30/09/2013
Project Webpage : http://Can agroforestry reconcile
Main Funder : University of Reading/ORC
ORC Staff Contact : Jo Smith
This PhD aims: (i) to identify which goods and services agroforestry systems can deliver, (ii) to quantify the values of these services (ecologically and economically), and (iii) to inform the process of how policy can support these activities.
Alexa Varah, PhD student with University of Reading. Farmed landscapes are increasingly expected to deliver multiple goods and services to society. A key challenge is to develop sustainable landscapes which can simultaneously meet the needs of food production, biodiversity conservation and delivery of ecosystem services. Agroforestry can lead to high productivity and provide a wide range of ecosystem services including soil management, microclimate modification, biodiversity support, pest and disease control, nutrient recycling and carbon sequestration. This PhD aims: (i) to identify which goods and services agroforestry systems can deliver, (ii) to quantify the values of these services (ecologically and economically), and (iii) to inform the process of how policy can support these activities.
Hannah Jones and Simon Potts, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, University of Reading