
ORFC Global 2021

The Oxford Real Farming Conference goes global and online for January 2021! Working with partners around the world, ORFC Global brings together voices from the real food and farming movement across six continents. The programme…
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Intercropping for sustainability

DIVERSify and ReMIX team up with the Association of Applied Biologists to host this joint event online The conference, organised by the DIVERSify and ReMIX H2020 projects as well as the Association of Applied Biologists…
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Farewell to Sally Westaway

This week we say goodbye to the wonderful Sally Westaway. Sally has worked within the ORC’s agroforestry team on a range of projects since 2013. The last 7 years have been so much fun and…
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Farming the Future 2020: New projects for ORC

ORC is pleased to be partners in two projects funded by Farming the Future's Year 2 Grant-pool. A National Network of Agroforestry Farms and Influencing Policy to Support Farm Woodland and Agroforestry from the Ground-up…
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Effective weed management strategies for UK organic arable crops

Oxfordshire organic farmer Philip Day, is conducting a survey of UK organic arable farmers, as part of his MSc in Organic Farming at SRUC, Aberdeen, to assess how they manage weeds in their crops.  The…
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A Christmas message from Lucy MacLennan Our Chief Executive Officer Lucy MacLennan with a Christmas message for our friends and supporters
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Ramial woodchip production and use on farm

Woodchip can increase soil organic matter, water holding capacity and nutrient levels of soils. Senior Agroforestry Researcher Sally Westaway reflects on the conclusions and outputs of the WOOdchip for Fertile Soils (WOOFS) project. Contractor spreading…
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Agroforestry and the Basic Payment Scheme

ORC welcomes the recognition by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) of the benefits of agroforestry with new guidance on how agroforestry can be compatible with the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). This is a major breakthrough…
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Agroforestry: Trees on upland farms webinar

Agroforestry webinar, led by the Soil Association, as part of the WRFFC Conference which was held from 16-19th Nov 2020. Speakers include Tim Pagella (Bangor University), Dr Lindsay Whistance (Organic Research Centre) and Gareth Davies…
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Roadmap to a greener farming future

ORC welcomes Defra's roadmap for a transition to deliver a better, fairer farming system in England. We strongly support the participatory approach and are involved in three of Defra's Environmental Land Management 'Test and Trials'.…
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