

Our Senior Livestock Researcher Lindsay Whistance wrestles with the arguments for and against Veganuary in this blog On Boxing Day evening, at the slowing down of festive indulgences, I began to speculate about what should…
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DiverIMPACTS Crop diversification, workload and quality of life

A new survey led by ORC hopes that through improving understanding of the impact of crop diversification on workload and quality of life we can provide recommendations for policy makers, training and education providers and…
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ORFC Global highlights

As the dust settles on the huge global phenomenon that was the 12th Oxford Real Farming Conference we highlight on some of the sessions ORC were involved with (directly or indirectly). All sessions were recorded…
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Organisations unite against neonicotinoids decision

On the 8th January a request by British Sugar and the NFU to get an emergency derogation to use neonicotinoids in sugar beet was approved. Given the evidence of unacceptable harm to wildlife (especially bees)…
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HRH Prince Charles launches the Terra Carta (Earth Charter)

ORC welcomes the launch of the Terra Carta from HRH The Prince of Wales’ Sustainable Markets Initiative. The Terra Carta provides a roadmap to 2030 for businesses to move towards an ambitious and sustainable future;…
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What do you think about growing pulses in UK agriculture post-BREXIT??

Is it a realistic option? We are interested in your views If we want to develop more sustainable agricultural systems for the UK then we need to focus on their sustainability, their impact on the…
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‘The Big Farming Survey’ – RABI to deliver insight into impacts on farming people

Today (January 11th 2021), RABI launches the largest ever research project relating to wellbeing of farming people. This wide-ranging survey will consider for the first time the relationship between physical health, mental wellbeing and health…
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Consultation on future of gene editing launched by Environment Secretary at Oxford Farming Conference

Plans to consult on gene editing, which according to Defra 'could unlock substantial benefits to nature, the environment and help farmers with crops resistant to pests, disease or extreme weather and to produce healthier, more…
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Preparing the Evidence Base for Post-Brexit agriculture in Scotland - Case studies on alternative payments

This report led by the Organic Policy, Business and Research Consultancy, with ORC, SRUC and IEEP on the future public good agricultural policy options for Scotland including organic farming, agroforestry and rewilding has now been…
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2nd International Conference on Biodynamic Research

Growing beyond resilience The 2nd International Conference on Biodynamic Research will take place digitally from 30th August to 2nd September 2021. The theme for the upcoming conference is “Growing beyond Resilience”. Academic and farmer practitioner…
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