If we want to develop more sustainable agricultural systems for the UK then we need to focus on their sustainability, their impact on the environment and their ability to deliver public goods. Sustainable supplies of plant protein for livestock production as well as for direct human consumption are a key part of this challenge. As part of a Europe-wide project LegumeGap the SRUC want to know why we grow such small quantities of pulses in the UK? Growing more pulses could help us balance the amount of protein we import through trade as well as bringing benefits to our farming systems by, for example, increasing biodiversity and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There is also an increasing interest in direct human consumption of pulses and products derived from pulses because of their ability to provide protein, micronutrients and fibre in the diet.
If you grow pulses, or even if you don’t produce pulses, please fill in the survey to contribute your ideas, experiences and concerns associated with pulse production in UK agriculture.