Want to improve your farm performance?

Would you like help to review your farm data to look at improving your farm performance?

  • Have this data anonymously analysed and benchmarked against other organic farms
  • We are offering the opportunity to take part in AHDB Farmbench with support from trained ORC staff
  • We’ll then arrange a follow-up meeting in consultation with the farmers in the group at a venue in the area toreview the analysed data (individual farm data will remain confidential)
  • To participate you must grow at least one combinable cereal or oilseed crop in this harvest year and not have participated in 2017 cereal/oilseed Farmbench. All organic farm types are welcome to participate
  • We want to support organic farmers in the process and enable you to have access to meaningful organic farm data to help you manage your business

For more information or to register with ORC for AHDB Farmbench for organic farmers please email AHDBFarmbench@organicresearchcentre.com

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