The Diversification Cluster web page has been launched!

Six Horizon 2020 projects are working together in the crop diversification cluster. A web page is now available to inform about all its activities.

Projects within the cluster are collaborating to increase the impact of crop diversification research and encourage sustained uptake of diversification measures by farmers in Europe through innovations across the agri-value chain. The new web page is now up and running:

Diverfarming, Diverimpacts, Diversify, Legvalue, True and reMIX projects are working together to demonstrate the benefits of crop diversification to farmers and society, and to engage with stakeholders in the upstream and downstream value chains, by transferring knowledge in:

  • Barriers to crop diversification and their solutions
  • Innovative cropping methods, decision tools and new resources for crop diversification
  • New end user focused approaches and field demonstrations across pedo-climatic regions of Europe to share innovations and crop diversification experiences
  • Multi-criteria assessment of system performance at field, farm, value chain and landscape levels
  • Policy recommendations to facilitate uptake of crop diversification
  • Communicating joint activities in the cluster and disseminating joint outputs

You will find further information about the projects involved, their activities and the working groups that have been established within the cluster.

A separate space is given at the site for the European Conference on Crop Diversification, which will take place from September 18th to 21st, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. The conference is organised by DiverIMPACTS in collaboration with the other projects in the Cluster: Diverfarming, DIVERSify, ReMIX, LegValue, TRUE.

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